The world is full of opportunities, but sometimes too much thinking can get in the way. Changing your life for the better is about picking a destination and taking one step at a time to get there. If you try to take shortcuts, you may actually end up making your journey longer and more arduous. Getting serious about making improvements is a great start, and taking action is the next important step.
Sitting here years late, - after opening my own Women’s fitness studio - When my family and I first went in and started pulling up the carpets in the studio and started scrubbing the walls (super gross) in 2016 -I can’t not lie I was excited but so overwhelmed by what we had to do, I couldn’t and wouldn’t let myself think about “what if it didn’t work” “how much we had to lose” as this was just too scary and made me feel ill - so I didn’t. I push that feeling down or put it in a box if you like- and just kept saying this is going to work, I kept focusing on being very positive -fake it till you make it, right!? - I also knew that no matter how bad things would/could get I would come out the other side a better person, I remind myself of this is and told myself this is not where this is going to end.
Since we opened in 2017, quite literally every aspect of my life has changed — It actually blows my mind what we have achieved over the last years, and how lucky I am to be surrounded by so many amazing women who have all been part of my journey. Without them #teamtash would be nothing!
I often get asked how I did it! so here’s some things I’ve done that has helped me get to where I am today.
Goals - I sat down and wrote my goals, what I wanted to create I was very detailed- My Mission for #teamtash TRAINING was to be the best inclusive and affordable fitness studio for all WOMEN! I was dedicated to encouraging women to be THEIR best. I wanted to provide a unique environment in which anyone – and I mean anyone – can be comfortable. A diverse, Judgement Free Zone where a lasting, active lifestyle can be built. I wanted to make sure I valued my clients and pride myself on delivering exceptional services, #teamtash TRAINING had to be different from other gyms and this is what I believed was missing in this industry in Dunedin.
People who know me know that I constantly look at my life to make sure I'm being the best I can be (and how I can be better) and that I'm doing what makes me happy. I had (and still have) a massive goal a head of me so each week I have a meeting with myself to look at what I've done to work towards that and to look at my life and business with fresh eyes.
I surrounded myself with amazing people - They are people that will inspire you to be a better person, provide you with motivation to achieve your goals, empower you to make the changes you need to succeed and cheer on your success.
I’ve learnt to control my emotions- Don’t ignore your emotions, but remember that feelings aren’t facts. Emotions need to be honoured—they don’t have to be justified—but just because you have a feeling doesn’t mean that you are right. Feelings are not facts.
Know who you really are, and learn to honour yourself. We all fake it from time to time and once in a while, this can be a good thing, but I never compromise my personal values and I always strive to be my best self. I believe that what we think we become so even if you have to fake it till you make it one day you will believe it. I have never tried to be someone I’m not I’ve always stayed true to me.
I Find the positive in every situation I always Look for those little bright moments that happen all the time but that we often fail to recognise. Make a point of seeing some good in every day, and you will change your life. I believe even negatives are positives in disguise. I will not let negativity run my life.
So what are you waiting for - you want to live your best life right! Then It's time to make that happen.