Exercise Nutrition

Tash Columbus

It is important to keep in mind what kind of workout you are doing, how hard you will be training and what you are looking to gain from your workout before deciding on what meals to have to support those goals. E.g. a yoga workout will require less fuel (food) than boxing or weight lifting and if your goal is fat loss, than a lower caloric food may be required. 

Nutrition before a strength training workout... 

To support your workout and provide your body with energy, you should have a small meal containing easily digestible carbs and protein roughly an hour before your session. These meals could be half a banana and a tbsp. of peanut butter for a quick pick me up or something simple like a protein shake with berries. 

Nutrition for optimal muscle recovery after a strength training workout... 

It is important to eat within 30-45 minutes after a strength training session for muscle recovery. Again; aim for foods that are easy to digest and are higher again in lean protein content than your pre-workout. Protein shakes are often a favourite at this time as they are easy to transport liquid proteins that can enter the blood stream more quickly for optimal recovery time. Avoid eating fat after a strength training workout as this slows digestion. 

Early morning workout breakfast ideas... 

If you feel nauseous eating early in the morning try a protein shake, banana and handful of nuts or a small amount of your regular breakfast before your workout, then eat the rest after. Yay second breakfast!!! 

Doing a strength training session or anything more vigorous than a walk on an empty tummy, means you are eating into your muscles as fast as you are putting them on. 

Late night workout dinner ideas... 

You CAN eat later at night. The thing that matters is what you are eating after your training session. If you’ve already had dinner, then a protein shake (without fat) might be your go to option. Alternatively, salmon, chicken or eggs with vegetable, salad or quinoa are great options. Lean protein sources for muscle recovery, slow burning carbs for energy replenishment and vegetables to hit those micronutrients we require and minimal fats (these are better utilized earlier in the day).